Tired of getting blocked while Scraping the web?

Our simple-to-use API makes it easy. Rotating proxies, Anti-Bot technology and headless browsers to CAPTCHAs. It's never been this easy.


100+ reviewsNo Credit Card Required

Get rid of these annoying friends

Don't get blocked again while scraping the web. Use the languages you like using our Libraries or simple HTTP requests.

Headless Browser Rotating Proxies Anti-CAPTCHA JS Challenge Solver
Datadome Logo


Geetest Logo


Cloudflare Logo


PX Logo




Funcaptcha Logo


Hcaptcha Logo


Scrape pages behind Anti-Bot Technology within 15 seconds.

Build your script in seconds

Create your own script or checkout our examples. Easy to execute with our API. From solving CAPTCHA's to clicking buttons.

Executing Javascript
Video Recording
Input Filling
Waiting On Selectors
Send POST requests
Render Javascript
Up-to-date browsers

No-Nonsense Pricing

0.0002 € / direct scrape

  • No Subscriptions - Pay as you go
  • Sticky Residential Proxies Included
  • Bypass most common anti-scrape protections
  • Render javascript with headless browsers
  • Everlasting headless browsersessions
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Start Crawling The World Now!

Try It For Free. No Subscription Required. No Credit Card Required. Instant Set-Up. 150 Free Scrapes Are Waiting For You!

Frequently asked questions

What is Scrappey.com?

Scrappey.com is a web scraping API that handles all the complex aspects of web scraping, such as bypassing anti-bot measures, rotating proxies, Anti-Bot technology, headless browsers, and CAPTCHAs. It offers an all-in-one solution for effortlessly scraping content from any website.

How does Scrappey.com work?

Scrappey.com provides a web scraping API that allows you to send requests to scrape data from websites. It takes care of anti-bot measures, including rotating proxies, Anti-Bot bypass, and CAPTCHA solving. You can easily extract data from websites using their built-in features like headless browsers and AI-powered data extraction.

Can I customize the proxies used for scraping?

Yes, with Scrappey.com, you have the option to use Sticky Rotating Proxies for seamless scraping. Alternatively, you can also set your own proxies if desired.

Is there a free trial available?

Yes, Scrappey.com offers a free trial where you can try it out without a subscription or credit card. Instant setup is provided, and you get 150 free scrapes to explore the capabilities of the platform.

What can I scrape with Scrappey.com?

You can scrape any content from websites using Scrappey.com. Whether you need to extract text, images, product information, reviews, or any other data, Scrappey.com provides the tools to make the process easy and efficient.

What is the pricing structure for Scrappey.com?

Scrappey.com offers simple and transparent pricing. You pay per 1000 requests, and there are no hidden fees or complicated pricing tiers. You have the flexibility to pay for what you use, making it affordable and fair for all your scraping needs.

Are there any usage restrictions or limitations?

Scrappey.com believes in providing unlimited access without hidden restrictions or limitations. Whether you need to scrape a few pages or a large dataset, you can do so without worrying about usage constraints.

What support channels are available?

Scrappey.com provides various support channels for assistance. You can refer to their documentation, frequently asked questions section, blog, and uptime status page. Additionally, you can get in touch with them via email or join their Discord community for further support.